Academic Community Day

Gifted & Talented students take part in College's first academic conference event

Sir John Deane’s is celebrating the successful launch of its first ever Academic Community Day.

The event, which took place on June 29th, was an opportunity for more than 80 students on the College’s Gifted and Talented programme to carry out a research project within their chosen subject area and present their findings in a professional conference-style event.

Students took part in a skills workshop and heard talks from Sir John Deane’s alumni before presenting their research projects to teachers, governors and trustees whose role it was to challenge them further on their findings.

The event was designed to prepare the students for university style interviews, enhancing critical skills, such as oracy and the ability to articulate their thoughts and develop their ideas. Students covered a wide range of topics, including bio architecture, genetics and the Riemann Hypothesis.

The event was organised by the College’s Medics and Oxbridge co-ordinators Julie Stephens and Robert Palin.

Julie said: “The students were articulate, charismatic and it was wonderful to see them speak so passionately to teachers and visitors, who they may never have met before. We are incredibly proud of them.”